Pre-Packaged Meals

In these fast-paced times, cooking sometimes takes a backseat. Many working people want to prepare something quickly at work or at home. These vegan alternatives for fast cuisine not only satisfy, but are also healthy.
Product picture Potato Products
You can decide very easily which potato dish to bring to your table today. With fritters and dumplings we offer you delicious variations, which are guaranteed to always be a success - no matter whether you serve them as a main course or as a tasty side dish.
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Product picture Vegan Mayonnaise and Ketchup
Vegetable mayonnaise: also an interesting product for people who consciously want to enjoy light and cholesterol-free meals. Have you ever tried our gourmet salads with vegan mayonnaise?
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Product picture Baking Supplies, Binders and Egg Replacers
With our carefully selected products and great tips, anyone can create a sweet vegan treat, that will have even omnivores begging for a second piece.
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Product picture Spices and Spice Blends
Vegan cooking is fun - because it is creative. Those who are vegan, cook with passion, play with flavors, bathe in delights and can enjoy food without a guilty conscience.
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What our customers say about us
Felix Hnat, Environmental Economist, Vienna
Felix Hnat, Environmental Economist, Vienna In 10 years of animal rights work I became acquainted with Alf and Alexandra from as pioneers of the vegan idea. They are full of idealism, support our work and have a nose for the best products. Felix is chairman of the Vegan Society Austria
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