Cat Food

Whether delicious wet food or crisp dry nibbles for oral hygiene, the purely vegetable cat food is gladly accepted by velvety paws. Also the smell is pleasant for human noses, and it is balanced in its composition for the needs of your cat.
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What our customers say about us
Mag. Thomas Winger MBA, Wien
Mag. Thomas Winger MBA, Wien Companies such as VEGANVERSAND are essential for „Veggies “in „normalo “ occupations, as an efficient source of cruelty free foods which can be relied upon. When those companies are operated by such endearing humans, then one gladly shops from them. Thomas works internationally as a business consultant and is the founder of United Creatures.
Did you know?

Members of the Vegan Society Austria and the Vegetarian Alliance, the VEBU Germany receive great discounts with each purchase.